At the 18th of September 2017 we had a Consortium Meeting in Zwolle. All participants were represented.
Gefeg has developed the SCOBDO tool and has presented it. The tool allows experts to map e-Invoice specifications to a reference model. Users can then use the tool to generate mapping specifications (XSLT) between any two of the e-Invoice specifications.
RuG, eConnect, Logius and Gefeg now will enter the OHNL, Simplerinvoicing, EN16931-UBL, EN16931-UN/Cefact and ZUGFeRD 1.0 e-Invoice specifications.
Then the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Groningen Municipality will test the mappings using the service offered by eConnect and Vanenburg. Results are expected mid November 2017.
This pilot allows governmental agencies all over Europe who have implemented the new European Norm (EN16931) to recieve e-Invoices from suppliers who still use a legacy format or a different variant, usage specification or syntax of the Norm.